The following Australian citizenship practice test has 20 questions in total.

All the questions are set to help you learn about Australia and efficiently prepare for the real Australian Citizenship Exam because in order to become an Australian citizen, passing this exam is mandatory.

Keep practising until and unless you are confident enough to write the actual Australian Citizenship Test and 100% correct with your answer to our practice tests. Good Luck!!!

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#1. How was Australia organized before 1901?

#2. What is the approximate population of Australia now?

#3. Who were the early free settlers of Australia?

#4. Who were the first inhabitants of Australia?

#5. What colours are on the Australian Aboriginal Flag?

#6. When did the European settlement in Australia begin?

#7. How many states and territories are there in Australia?

#8. What is the national flower of Australia?

#9. The background of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms is the golden wattle.

#10. How many languages are spoken in Australia?

#11. What is the capital of Queensland?

#12. What Percentage of people living in Australia was born overseas?

*In 2006, 24.6% of the population was born overseas (5.0 million persons). Learn more.

#13. What is the capital of Australia?

#14. What is national police force called?

#15. When is Australia Day celebrated?

#16. What is the official symbol of the Commonwealth of Australia?

#17. Only men can vote and stand for parliament in Australia.

Both men and women can vote and stand for parliament.

#18. Which animal/bird(s) do you see on the Australia’s Coat of Arms?

Tips: A kangaroo and an emu support the shield on each side of the Commonwealth Coat of Arms. Kangaroos are native Australian animals and emus are native Australian birds.

#19. Sydney is the capital city of New South Wales and is the nation’s largest city.

#20. When were the colonies united into a federation of states called Commonwealth of Australia?


Practice Test-1Practice Test-2

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