The following Australian citizenship practice test has 20 questions in total.

All the questions are set to help you learn about Australia and efficiently prepare for the real Australian Citizenship Exam because in order to become an Australian citizen, passing this exam is mandatory.

Keep practising until and unless you are confident enough to write the actual Australian Citizenship Test and 100% correct with your answer to our practice tests. Good Luck!!!

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#1. Which country was Australia a colony of?

#2. What is the official symbol of the Commonwealth of Australia?

#3. When were Australia officially united into the Commonwealth of Australia?

#4. Which one is the second largest state in Australia?

#5. How much was population of New South Wales and Victoria in the 10 years from 1851?

#6. When did Great Britain decide to send the convicts to the new colony of New South Wales?

#7. As an Australian, you must:

#8. What is the capital of Victoria?

#9. What do the green stripes represent on the Torres Strait Islander Flag?

#10. What does the blue panel represent on the Torres Strait Islander Flag?

#11. What do the black lines represent on the Torres Strait Islander Flag?

#12. What does the white dancer’s headdress on the Torres Strait Islander Flag symbolize?

#13. When did European settlement start in Australia?

#14. How many convict ships were there in the ‘First Fleet’?

#15. At the Australian citizenship ceremony, what do you pledge?

#16. How much was the population of Australia when the Commonwealth of Australia was officially formed in 1901?

#17. The Torres Strait Islands mostly lie in:

#18. What is the capital of city of Tasmania?

#19. The Australian National Flag is the official flag of our nation.

#20. Each state and territory of Australia has its own flag.


Practice Test-2Practice Test-4

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