The following Australian citizenship practice test has 20 questions in total.

All the questions are set to help you learn about Australia and efficiently prepare for the real Australian Citizenship Exam because in order to become an Australian citizen, passing this exam is mandatory.

Keep practising until and unless you are confident enough to write the actual Australian Citizenship Test and 100% correct with your answer to our practice tests. Good Luck!!!

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#1. Road and traffic rules are controlled by_________.

#2. A jury has the power:

#3. What is needed for the Australian Constitution to be changed in a referendum?

#4. Which of the following is the local government responsible for?

Tips: Local governments (and the Australian Capital Territory Government) are responsible for the things like traffic controls, local roads, drains, parks, food and meat inspection, noise and animal control, rubbish collection, local libraries, child-care, building permits, social planning, and local environmental issues.

#5. When can Australian citizens seek help from their local police?

#6. What is a Bill?

#7. How does the government help Australians in need?

#8. What is the oldest continuing indigenous culture in the world?

#9. Voting is compulsory for Australian citizens aged 18 years or over in federal and state or territory elections.

#10. Which of the following demonstrates equality in Australia?

#11. Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?

#12. Most religions in Australia have rules; these are also laws in Australia.

Most religions have rules, but these are not laws in Australia.

#13. What is “Fair go”?

#14. What may happen if you as a citizen do not attend a polling booth to vote in federal and state or territory elections?

#15. Freedom of expression allows people to express their views orally, but not through any media.

Freedom of expression allows people to express their views through art, film, music, and literature.

#16. Australia is a multicultural country.

#17. Women in Australia do not have the right to make their own independent decisions about personal matters.

Tips: Both men and women have the right to make their own independent choices about personal matters such as marriage, and are protected by the law from intimidation or violence.

#18. Who appoints the Governor General?

#19. Which of the following is legal in Australia?

#20. What may happen if you break the traffic laws in Australia?


Practice Test-4Practice Test-6

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