The following Australian citizenship practice test has 20 questions in total.

All the questions are set to help you learn about Australia and efficiently prepare for the real Australian Citizenship Exam because in order to become an Australian citizen, passing this exam is mandatory.

Keep practising until and unless you are confident enough to write the actual Australian Citizenship Test and 100% correct with your answer to our practice tests. Good Luck!!!

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#1. The states and the Northern Territory have their own police forces.

#2. Australians believe that change should occur through discussion, peaceful persuasion and the democratic process.

#3. Votes in Australia are cast by secret ballot, but you are not free to vote for any candidate.

Tips: Votes are cast by secret ballot, so you are free and safe to vote for any candidate.

#4. What happened on 1 January 1901?

#5. What is a referendum?

#6. Who appoints the judges and magistrates?

#7. Which of the following has the power to interpret and apply laws?

#8. Each state has its own constitution and its own parliament.

#9. What is the party or coalition of parties that wins the second largest number of votes in an election called?

#10. Who is the constitutional Head of State of Australia?

#11. Who represents the Queen in Australia?

#12. Who is the highest authority in Australian courts?

#13. Who is the leader or Head of Australian Government?

#14. The House of Representatives and the Senate consider, debate and vote on whether they agree with the Bill.

#15. Which government is responsible for social security and defence?

#16. What is the leader of a territory government called?

#17. What is the role of the Council of Australian Government?

#18. If you need to use a gun in Australia, you must get a license from ______ .

#19. Courts can only base their decision on_____

#20. Who represents the citizens in the House of Representatives?


Practice Test-7Practice Test-9

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